Getting Personal - Gifts

Blue Light Blocking Readers (1.5-3)

Limoncello Hand Lotion & Hand Soap (upcycles to flask)

Inis (body lotion, hand lotion & cologne)

Inis Diffuser

Handblown Glass Ring Holder

Art Glass and Dichroic Nail Files

Journals with Handmade Paper & Laser Carved Art Pencils

Soap Rocks

Meet Our Owner

Lotus MacDowell

Lotus Averil MacDowell, known for her meticulous depictions of objects and scenery is the owner of Artworks. She has been painting professionally since 1972.

Lotus' medium is primarily watercolor, using a controlled approach to create accuracy in both rendering and color. Her subjects reflect her interests in travel, architecture amd the study of light and shadow.

Lotus recieved her BFA from West Virginia University. Her works are in private and corporate collections throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia.